Field Worker Certification

Learn how to use Procore's tools as a field worker and discover best practices.

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Acerca de este curso

Welcome to the Field Worker certification! This course is designed to teach you how to effectively use Procore's tools* as a Field Worker.


*Tools covered in this course: Announcements, Change Events, Commitments, Correspondence, Crews, Daily Log, Directory, Drawings, Forms, Incidents, Inspections, Meetings, Models, My Time, Observations, Photos, Punch List, RFIs, Submittals, T&M Tickets, and Timesheets. How do I check what tools I have included in my Procore account?

Plan de estudios1-2 hours

  • Course Introduction
  • Intro to Field Worker
  • Navigating Procore (Mobile)
  • Core Tools
  • Intro to Core Tools
  • View Announcements (1min)
  • Upload and View Documents (2min)
  • Core Tools Review
  • Project Management Tools
  • Intro to Project Management
  • View Drawings (4min)
  • Mark Up Drawings (3min)
  • Practice: Mark Up Drawings
  • Create an RFI (4min)
  • View a Submittal (2min)
  • Create a Punch List Item (3min)
  • Respond to a Punch List Item (2min)
  • Practice: Respond to a Punch Item
  • Manage Photos (3min)
  • View Meetings (1min)
  • View and Respond to a Correspondence Item (1min)
  • View Models (4min)
  • Project Management Review
  • Quality and Safety Tools
  • Intro to Quality and Safety
  • Add Daily Log Entries (3min)
  • Practice: Add Daily Log Entries
  • Perform an Inspection (3min)
  • Create an Observation (3min)
  • Respond to an Observation (2min)
  • Practice: Respond to an Observation
  • Fill Out a Form (2min)
  • Create an Incident (3min)
  • Quality and Safety Review
  • Resource Management Tools
  • Intro to Resource Management
  • Create a Crew (1min)
  • Add Worker (2min)
  • Add Time Entries
  • Create a Timesheet (3min)
  • Add a My Time Entry (3min)
  • Create a T&M Ticket (2min)
  • Resource Management Review
  • Financial Management Tools
  • Intro to Financial Management
  • Create a Commitment (2min)
  • Create a Change Event (2min)
  • Add a Line Item to a Change Event (1min)
  • Practice: Create a Change Event
  • Financial Management Review
  • Final Exam
  • Final Exam
  • Course Conclusion
  • Field Worker Conclusion

Acerca de este curso

Welcome to the Field Worker certification! This course is designed to teach you how to effectively use Procore's tools* as a Field Worker.


*Tools covered in this course: Announcements, Change Events, Commitments, Correspondence, Crews, Daily Log, Directory, Drawings, Forms, Incidents, Inspections, Meetings, Models, My Time, Observations, Photos, Punch List, RFIs, Submittals, T&M Tickets, and Timesheets. How do I check what tools I have included in my Procore account?

Plan de estudios1-2 hours

  • Course Introduction
  • Intro to Field Worker
  • Navigating Procore (Mobile)
  • Core Tools
  • Intro to Core Tools
  • View Announcements (1min)
  • Upload and View Documents (2min)
  • Core Tools Review
  • Project Management Tools
  • Intro to Project Management
  • View Drawings (4min)
  • Mark Up Drawings (3min)
  • Practice: Mark Up Drawings
  • Create an RFI (4min)
  • View a Submittal (2min)
  • Create a Punch List Item (3min)
  • Respond to a Punch List Item (2min)
  • Practice: Respond to a Punch Item
  • Manage Photos (3min)
  • View Meetings (1min)
  • View and Respond to a Correspondence Item (1min)
  • View Models (4min)
  • Project Management Review
  • Quality and Safety Tools
  • Intro to Quality and Safety
  • Add Daily Log Entries (3min)
  • Practice: Add Daily Log Entries
  • Perform an Inspection (3min)
  • Create an Observation (3min)
  • Respond to an Observation (2min)
  • Practice: Respond to an Observation
  • Fill Out a Form (2min)
  • Create an Incident (3min)
  • Quality and Safety Review
  • Resource Management Tools
  • Intro to Resource Management
  • Create a Crew (1min)
  • Add Worker (2min)
  • Add Time Entries
  • Create a Timesheet (3min)
  • Add a My Time Entry (3min)
  • Create a T&M Ticket (2min)
  • Resource Management Review
  • Financial Management Tools
  • Intro to Financial Management
  • Create a Commitment (2min)
  • Create a Change Event (2min)
  • Add a Line Item to a Change Event (1min)
  • Practice: Create a Change Event
  • Financial Management Review
  • Final Exam
  • Final Exam
  • Course Conclusion
  • Field Worker Conclusion

