Project Manager: Field Productivity -- Specialty Contractor

Learn Procore's Field Productivity Tools as a project manager at a Specialty Contractor.

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Acerca de este curso

Welcome to the Project Manager: Field Productivity at Specialty Contractor certification! This course is designed to specifically train project managers, project engineers, and project coordinators on how to most effectively use Procore's Field Productivity tools.*


*Tools covered in this course: Admin, Crews, Directory, Documents, Reports, T&M Tickets, Tasks, and Timesheets. How do I check what tools I have included in my Procore account?

Plan de estudios1-2 hours

  • Course Introduction
  • Intro to Field Productivity
  • Account Setup (Company Admin ONLY)
  • Account Setup
  • Configure Tool Settings
  • Configure Field Productivity Settings
  • Crews
  • Crews Tool
  • Add a Worker (2min)
  • Add a Worker (Mobile) (2min)
  • Create a Crew (1min)
  • Create a Crew (Mobile) (2min)
  • Practice: Add a Worker and Create a Crew (Mobile)
  • Crews Resources & Review
  • Project Timesheets
  • Timesheets Tool
  • Create a Timesheet (3min)
  • Create a Timesheet (Mobile) (5min)
  • Practice: Create a Timesheet (Mobile)
  • Add a My Time Entry (Mobile) (2min)
  • Sign Weekly Time Entries for All Projects (Mobile) (2min)
  • Review and Approve a Timesheet (2min)
  • Set Up and View a Labor Budget to Actual Report (3min)
  • Set Up and View a Production Quantity Report (3min)
  • Set Up and View a Field Production Report (4min)
  • View a Field Production Report (Mobile) (1min)
  • Timesheets Resources & Review
  • Company Timesheets
  • Company Timesheets Tool
  • Edit Time Entries in the Company Timesheets Tool (2min)
  • Review and Approve Time Entries in the Company Timesheets Tool (2min)
  • Practice: Review, Edit, and Approve a Timesheet
  • Company Timesheets Resources & Review
  • T&M Tickets
  • T&M Tickets Tool
  • Create a T&M Ticket (2min)
  • Create a T&M Ticket (Mobile) (2min)
  • Practice: Create a T&M Ticket
  • Request a Signature and Sign a T&M Ticket (2min)
  • T&M Tickets Resources & Review
  • Final Exam
  • Final Exam
  • Course Conclusion
  • Field Productivity Conclusion

Acerca de este curso

Welcome to the Project Manager: Field Productivity at Specialty Contractor certification! This course is designed to specifically train project managers, project engineers, and project coordinators on how to most effectively use Procore's Field Productivity tools.*


*Tools covered in this course: Admin, Crews, Directory, Documents, Reports, T&M Tickets, Tasks, and Timesheets. How do I check what tools I have included in my Procore account?

Plan de estudios1-2 hours

  • Course Introduction
  • Intro to Field Productivity
  • Account Setup (Company Admin ONLY)
  • Account Setup
  • Configure Tool Settings
  • Configure Field Productivity Settings
  • Crews
  • Crews Tool
  • Add a Worker (2min)
  • Add a Worker (Mobile) (2min)
  • Create a Crew (1min)
  • Create a Crew (Mobile) (2min)
  • Practice: Add a Worker and Create a Crew (Mobile)
  • Crews Resources & Review
  • Project Timesheets
  • Timesheets Tool
  • Create a Timesheet (3min)
  • Create a Timesheet (Mobile) (5min)
  • Practice: Create a Timesheet (Mobile)
  • Add a My Time Entry (Mobile) (2min)
  • Sign Weekly Time Entries for All Projects (Mobile) (2min)
  • Review and Approve a Timesheet (2min)
  • Set Up and View a Labor Budget to Actual Report (3min)
  • Set Up and View a Production Quantity Report (3min)
  • Set Up and View a Field Production Report (4min)
  • View a Field Production Report (Mobile) (1min)
  • Timesheets Resources & Review
  • Company Timesheets
  • Company Timesheets Tool
  • Edit Time Entries in the Company Timesheets Tool (2min)
  • Review and Approve Time Entries in the Company Timesheets Tool (2min)
  • Practice: Review, Edit, and Approve a Timesheet
  • Company Timesheets Resources & Review
  • T&M Tickets
  • T&M Tickets Tool
  • Create a T&M Ticket (2min)
  • Create a T&M Ticket (Mobile) (2min)
  • Practice: Create a T&M Ticket
  • Request a Signature and Sign a T&M Ticket (2min)
  • T&M Tickets Resources & Review
  • Final Exam
  • Final Exam
  • Course Conclusion
  • Field Productivity Conclusion

