Confined Spaces -- Procore Safety Qualified

In this course you'll be introduced to the definition and features of a confined space, learn about employee notification and required training.

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Learning Format:

Live Presentation Recording

We realize that most users will not have the ability to complete all of the training modules in a single session, which is why we've designed a flexible and modular course where you can learn at your own pace. Complete modules at your own pace and resume your training at any time. 

Estimated Time for Completion: 3 hours

Part 1: Managing Confined Spaces

This course is the first in a three-part series that discusses how to manage confined spaces on construction sites. In this course you'll be introduced to the definition and features of a confined space, learn about employee notification and required training. 

Learning Objectives:
    • Define and describe the features of a confined space
    • Identify the roles involved in managing a confined space
    • Describe how employees and workers are notified of a confined space on the job site
    • Describe confined space hazard awareness training, who needs to complete it and when it needs to be completed

Part 2: Classifying and Entering Confined Spaces

This course describes the process of classifying a confined space, when to test the air, and how to determine if it is safe to enter a confined space.  

Learning Objectives:
    • Define the characteristics of a confined space that makes it become a permit-required confined space
    • Describe the responsibilities of the competent person when it comes to classifying a confined space
    • Determine when to test an atmosphere to determine if it is safe
    • Describe the options of classifying a permit required confined space and a modified entry

Part 3: Permit Required Confined Space Entry

This course teaches about permit required confined space entry, each role involved, and how to address unanticipated conditions inside of a confined space.

Learning Objectives:
    • Determine the responsibilities of each role involved with permit required entry.
    • Describe what needs to be included in the entry plan and procedures. 
    • Assess what should be done when unanticipated conditions are found inside a confined space. 
    • Describe who should be involved in the formal review process. 

Continuing Education Credit:

This course has been approved by these organizations and associations.

Course Titles: Procore Safety Qualified: Managing Confined Spaces, Procore Safety Qualified: Permit Required Confined Space Entry, Procore Safety Qualified: Classifying and Entering Confined Spaces
Course Number: PC-333, PC-334, PC-335
Delivery Name: Procore Technologies
Curriculum Group Name: AIA Providers
Credit: 1 AIA LU each

Procore's Continuing Education courses may fulfill state licensing requirements. When a course is completed, a certificate of completion is provided. It is up to the construction professional to submit their certificates of completion to their state licensing board to request credit for participating in a Procore Continuing Education course. 

Plan de estudios

  • Course Disclaimer
  • Managing Confined Spaces
  • Managing Confined Spaces: Introduction
  • Understanding the New Rules
  • Quiz 1
  • Understanding the Hazards
  • Quiz 2
  • Defining Roles and Responsibilities
  • Quiz 3
  • Communications on a Construction Site
  • Quiz 4
  • Training
  • Quiz 5
  • The Permit Process
  • Quiz 6
  • Conclusion
  • Final Quiz
  • Classifying and Entering Confined Spaces
  • Classifying and Entering Confined Spaces: Introduction
  • Classifying Confined Spaces
  • Quiz 1
  • Classification Examples
  • Methods for Entering Permit Required Confined Spaces
  • Quiz 2
  • Reclassification
  • Quiz 3
  • Modified Permit Entry
  • Quiz 4
  • Full Permit Entry Procedure
  • Conclusion
  • Final Quiz
  • Permit Required Confined Space Entry
  • Permit Required Confined Space Entry: Introduction
  • Planning for a Permit Entry
  • Quiz 1
  • Entry When Hazards Cannot Be Eliminated
  • Quiz 2
  • Evaluation by the Competent Person
  • Quiz 3
  • Supervisors and Attendants
  • Quiz 4
  • Stand-by Rescue
  • Quiz 5
  • How Many People Do I Need?
  • Quiz 6
  • Encountering Unanticipated Hazards
  • Quiz 7
  • Permit Closeout
  • Quiz 8
  • Conclusion
  • Final Quiz
  • Congratulations! You've completed a Procore Continuing Education course!
  • We want to hear from you!

Acerca de este curso

Learning Format:

Live Presentation Recording

We realize that most users will not have the ability to complete all of the training modules in a single session, which is why we've designed a flexible and modular course where you can learn at your own pace. Complete modules at your own pace and resume your training at any time. 

Estimated Time for Completion: 3 hours

Part 1: Managing Confined Spaces

This course is the first in a three-part series that discusses how to manage confined spaces on construction sites. In this course you'll be introduced to the definition and features of a confined space, learn about employee notification and required training. 

Learning Objectives:
    • Define and describe the features of a confined space
    • Identify the roles involved in managing a confined space
    • Describe how employees and workers are notified of a confined space on the job site
    • Describe confined space hazard awareness training, who needs to complete it and when it needs to be completed

Part 2: Classifying and Entering Confined Spaces

This course describes the process of classifying a confined space, when to test the air, and how to determine if it is safe to enter a confined space.  

Learning Objectives:
    • Define the characteristics of a confined space that makes it become a permit-required confined space
    • Describe the responsibilities of the competent person when it comes to classifying a confined space
    • Determine when to test an atmosphere to determine if it is safe
    • Describe the options of classifying a permit required confined space and a modified entry

Part 3: Permit Required Confined Space Entry

This course teaches about permit required confined space entry, each role involved, and how to address unanticipated conditions inside of a confined space.

Learning Objectives:
    • Determine the responsibilities of each role involved with permit required entry.
    • Describe what needs to be included in the entry plan and procedures. 
    • Assess what should be done when unanticipated conditions are found inside a confined space. 
    • Describe who should be involved in the formal review process. 

Continuing Education Credit:

This course has been approved by these organizations and associations.

Course Titles: Procore Safety Qualified: Managing Confined Spaces, Procore Safety Qualified: Permit Required Confined Space Entry, Procore Safety Qualified: Classifying and Entering Confined Spaces
Course Number: PC-333, PC-334, PC-335
Delivery Name: Procore Technologies
Curriculum Group Name: AIA Providers
Credit: 1 AIA LU each

Procore's Continuing Education courses may fulfill state licensing requirements. When a course is completed, a certificate of completion is provided. It is up to the construction professional to submit their certificates of completion to their state licensing board to request credit for participating in a Procore Continuing Education course. 

Plan de estudios

  • Course Disclaimer
  • Managing Confined Spaces
  • Managing Confined Spaces: Introduction
  • Understanding the New Rules
  • Quiz 1
  • Understanding the Hazards
  • Quiz 2
  • Defining Roles and Responsibilities
  • Quiz 3
  • Communications on a Construction Site
  • Quiz 4
  • Training
  • Quiz 5
  • The Permit Process
  • Quiz 6
  • Conclusion
  • Final Quiz
  • Classifying and Entering Confined Spaces
  • Classifying and Entering Confined Spaces: Introduction
  • Classifying Confined Spaces
  • Quiz 1
  • Classification Examples
  • Methods for Entering Permit Required Confined Spaces
  • Quiz 2
  • Reclassification
  • Quiz 3
  • Modified Permit Entry
  • Quiz 4
  • Full Permit Entry Procedure
  • Conclusion
  • Final Quiz
  • Permit Required Confined Space Entry
  • Permit Required Confined Space Entry: Introduction
  • Planning for a Permit Entry
  • Quiz 1
  • Entry When Hazards Cannot Be Eliminated
  • Quiz 2
  • Evaluation by the Competent Person
  • Quiz 3
  • Supervisors and Attendants
  • Quiz 4
  • Stand-by Rescue
  • Quiz 5
  • How Many People Do I Need?
  • Quiz 6
  • Encountering Unanticipated Hazards
  • Quiz 7
  • Permit Closeout
  • Quiz 8
  • Conclusion
  • Final Quiz
  • Congratulations! You've completed a Procore Continuing Education course!
  • We want to hear from you!

