You've Got Data: Proactive Data Management

Identify common issues and challenges that can arise from unstructured data and discover how to create successful policies and implement smart information governance within your company.

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This collection of five articles focuses on the importance of storing and organizing data in the construction industry. You'll learn best practices for collecting data and how new technology can save you time and money, while increasing security. 


Produced Course

  • Identify common issues and challenges that can arise from unstructured data.
  • Discover how to create successful policies and implement smart information governance within your company.
  • Learn best practices for collecting and organizing data to increase security and efficiency.
  • Explore how new technology and cloud-based solutions can protect your data.
Continuing Education Credit:

This course has been approved by these organizations and associations.

Course Title: You've Got Data: Proactive Data Management
Course Number: PC-194
Delivery Name: Procore Technologies
Curriculum Group Name: AIA Providers
Credit: 1 LU 

Procore's Continuing Education courses may fulfill state licensing requirements. When a course is completed, a certificate of completion is provided. It is up to the construction professional to submit their certificates of completion to their state licensing board to request credit for participating in a Procore Continuing Education course.

Plan de estudios

  • Course Disclaimer
  • You've Got Data: Proactive Data Management
  • Congratulations! You've completed a Procore Continuing Education course!
  • We want to hear from you!

Acerca de este curso


This collection of five articles focuses on the importance of storing and organizing data in the construction industry. You'll learn best practices for collecting data and how new technology can save you time and money, while increasing security. 


Produced Course

  • Identify common issues and challenges that can arise from unstructured data.
  • Discover how to create successful policies and implement smart information governance within your company.
  • Learn best practices for collecting and organizing data to increase security and efficiency.
  • Explore how new technology and cloud-based solutions can protect your data.
Continuing Education Credit:

This course has been approved by these organizations and associations.

Course Title: You've Got Data: Proactive Data Management
Course Number: PC-194
Delivery Name: Procore Technologies
Curriculum Group Name: AIA Providers
Credit: 1 LU 

Procore's Continuing Education courses may fulfill state licensing requirements. When a course is completed, a certificate of completion is provided. It is up to the construction professional to submit their certificates of completion to their state licensing board to request credit for participating in a Procore Continuing Education course.

Plan de estudios

  • Course Disclaimer
  • You've Got Data: Proactive Data Management
  • Congratulations! You've completed a Procore Continuing Education course!
  • We want to hear from you!

